Upon finished with manager duty which usually ends at 11am, i would head for my 'lab' for more product testing. I am now an expert (not boasting..it is a true fact) at making MY cupcakes. Well..you have to taste them to believe me :).
Now that cupcake has made its way known to the world through my butternbatter 'website', it was turn to try and make sardine roll pulak. So yesterday, using a short pastry recipe i found on the net, i tried to making some. Managed to make only 15 pieces after all the kneading and folding of the dough :D. I was not happy with the out come though everyone seemed to like them just fine.
Luckily, my aunt- Aunty Mama...the baking queen in my family was in KL. (She lives in JB....jauhnye..). And coincidently she came over to my mum's house last night so..she told me HER sardine roll recipe. Her's is almost as same as the one i tried but the most important part is that, it is proven jadi.
This morning i made my way to Yummie..my fav shopping place these days..must go every week punya! Bought all the necessary ingredients.. When i reached home, weighed everything needed in the recipe, ate lunch then started my experiment. The out come... better, tastier, crunchier. Cuma need to thin the dough a bit more when rolling. Want to see how delicious they look ? Wallaah...