A little boy's sacrifice for palestinians

3-4 weeks back...on my way home after picking up Hakimi from his kindi..

Hakimi : Mami, abang dah lama tak makan McDonald's
Me : Sekarang kita tak boleh makan McDonald's
Hakimi : Kenapa? Abang nak..
Me : Sebab dia (mcD) kawan dgn askar israel
Hakimi : mana ada
Me : Ia. Kalau orang bayar, dia bagi duit tu kat askar israel.
Hakimi : Abang tengok kalau mami bayar mana ada orang tu bagi kat askar.

After thorough explaination..i think he finally understood what i meant. So he was ok with it.

One day (last Saturday to be exact), while at my mum's..she decided to buy KFC for dinner. Then i asked my beloved son.. 'Abang..tok nak beli KFC abang nak apa?'. He suddenly ran up to me and whispered 'Abang tak nak tolong israel'. I was somehow suprised and touched.

Once in a while he would still merengek nak makan McD when he sees the big M sign. Memangla pada dia, 10x makan di KFC or Rasamas or Sugar Bun or TCR Shop or any other fast food is not the same dengan 1x makan di McD. Tapi selagi boleh dielak, akan cuba elak.
After all..that's the least we can do to help, besides donating to registered fund collector for Gaza.

For a young boy to be concern and show compassion for what's happening in Gaza without understanding why it all happened, is a big deal..especially to his mummy. Hakimi, I'm so proud of you..

Some of the brands we are encouraged to boycott in support for Gaza

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