Tudung oh tudung...

Last Saturday, balik dari rumah my mum, my hubby turned on the tv and we end up watching a malay telemovie- Sebelum Menutup Mata. Bukan nak bercerita pasal storyline dia tapi..heroin dia. Ayu Raudhah yang nampak sangat ayu memakai tudung.

Now days, it has become a trend for ladies and girls to wear this type of tudung. The type that has 'awning' keras and easy to bentuk..well..actually..siap terbentuk.

I wanted to try but can never seem to find one that i like. You see..i have a certain criteria for my tudung. It has to be the right colour, the right lenght with the right price. Can't just simply buy for the sake of having one..but later on ended up not wearing it. Right?

Anyway..the tudung she wore was very beautifully shaped. I especially like the patterned ones. Although i was already sleepy..i make sure i was awake to see the sponsor. Yup! not the ending of the telemovie but the sponsor heheh!.

As the clock strucked 12 midnite, the telemovie ended. My husband almost changed the channel before i managed to stopped him. De Zahra Collection.

The next morning, i search for them on the net and browse their website. Their collections are indeed different that the others in the market. And quite pricey too.

Adalah berkenan 1..2..3.. Alamak! How? Going to ask hubby to buy for me lah. Whether he wants to buy them or not..that's is a different story.. Wish me luck hehehe


Unknown said...

salam pagi naza.

org kata kalau hati dah berkenan sanggup cari kat internet tu...
kakak-kakak kakchik pun bincang hal tudung tu jugak kat rumah ni, tambah2 taukey jual tudung ada kat mana2, hatta kat klinik diorang pun ada staf yg jadi ejen. bak kata kalau nak, mmg sng nak beli.

seLf rEstrained... said...

Masya-Allah cantiknye collection tudung2 dia.. tapi harga pun cantik gak ... :)

Azaidris said...

Tu lah kan..kalau nak seribu daya..hehe..

tgh survey2 kot ada yg lebih kurang sama dgn harga yang lagi kurang dan tak sama :D

Hmm..kenapalah bday naza lambat lagi? anniversary pun sama..klu tak, ada lah sebab nak minta atas angin je dgn hubby..kan?

You Know Who Me said...

hohoho....tudung sempena ehem ehem ke...hehehe